Paço Ducal de Vila Voçosa
O Paço Ducal de Vila Viçosa é um importante monumento situado no Terreiro do Paço da vila alentejana do distrito de Évora. Foi durante séculos a sede da sereníssima Casa de Bragança, uma importante família nobre fundada no século XV, que se tornou na casa reinante em Portugal, quando em 1 de Dezembro de 1640 o 8º Duque de Bragança foi aclamado Rei de Portugal (D. João IV) e, mais tarde, daria origem à Casa de Bragança-Saxe-Coburgo-Gota.Vila Viçosa tornou-se sede do importante ducado de Bragança quando D. Fernando (1403-1461) sucedeu a seu pai, tornando-se o 2º Duque de Bragança, em 1461. Na verdade, o 2º Duque de Bragança recebera de seu avô, o Condestável do Reino, D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, o título de Conde de Arraiolos, pelo que quando chegou a Duque, não quis trocar as planuras alentejanas pelo Paço Ducal de Guimarães. Assim se estabeleceram os Bragança em Vila Viçosa, no primitivo Paço do Castelo. Porém, o seu filho, também D. Fernando (3º Duque de Bragança), veio a ser executado em 1483, por ordem de D. João II, acusado de traição, tendo a família sido exilada para Castela, de onde só regressaram em 1496, após a morte do Rei. Uma vez reabilitado o Ducado, o 4º Duque, D. Jaime, não quis habitar o Paço do Castelo, por estar ligado à memória do seu pai, mandando construir um palácio novo, no sítio chamado do Reguengo, assim começou a ser erguido o que é hoje o magnífico Palácio Ducal de Vila Viçosa. Nos reinados de D. Luís e D. Carlos, as visitas frequentes ao Paço Ducal foram retomadas, assistindo-se, ao longo do século XIX, a obras de requalificação que visavam oferecer maior conforto à família real durante as excursões venatórias anuais. A implantação da República em 1910 levou ao encerramento do Paço Ducal de Vila Viçosa que, por vontade expressa em testamento de D. Manuel II, reabriu portas nos anos 40 do século XX, após a criação da Fundação da Casa de Bragança.
The noble staircase, in marble, with the walls covered with marble. The mural painting represents the Taking of Azamor in the victorious expedition commanded by the 4th Duke of Bragança, D. Jaime in 1513. The narrative of Azamor's conquestsa on th...
In 1725, King D. João V commissioned the portraits of the Bragança to the resident royal painter, Domenico Duprá, for the ceiling of this room. of that time). The largest set painted by the Italian portrait painter. A complete series of 18 paintin...
The Ducal Palace of Vila Viçosa is an important monument located in Terreiro do Paço in the Alentejo village of Évora district. It was for centuries the headquarters of the serene Casa de Bragança, an important noble family founded in the 15th cen...
Under the protection of the seven theological and moral virtues: Faith, Hope, Cardinality, Prudence, Justice, Fortaleza, Temperance, in addition to the Science included to make up the number of eight coffins that fill the artisan ceiling, the furn...
Hall of Tapestries, with several tapestries of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a bust of Queen Amelia, the sculptor Teixeira Lopes. In it we see a painting by the painter João dos Reis, from D. Manuel II, who, after the fall of the monar...
The Hall of the Giant features a ceiling painted in the 17th century, depicting the biblical episode of David and the Giant, framing the arms of the Dukes of Bragança. On the walls are an ashlar of 17th century figuartive tiles, polychrome in blue...
Its designation commemorates the fact that the brother of D. João IV, the infant D.Duarte (1605-1649), who after beating himself in the service of the Emperor of Germany during the Thirty Years War, was betrayed and closed in Milan fortress, for t...
The Kitchen was built during the reign of King João V, first half of the century. XVIII. It is divided into 3 spaces, Barbecue, Oven and food preparation area. It has an exit to the Gothic cloister, contemporary of the first phase of the construct...
The Kitchen was built during the reign of King João V, first half of the century. XVIII. It is divided into 3 spaces, Barbecue, Oven and food preparation area. It has an exit to the Gothic cloister, contemporary of the first phase of the construct...
The Kitchen was built during the reign of King João V, first half of the century. XVIII. It is divided into 3 spaces, Barbecue, Oven and food preparation area. It has an exit to the Gothic cloister, contemporary of the first phase of the construct...
At the end of the 19th century, there was the remodeling of the New Rooms, for rooms of the princes heirs D. Carlos and D. Amélia, by the French decorator Negrier. After an ante-camera you arrive at the Queen's Room. The furniture is complete and ...
This large dining room was built by Queen D. Maria I at the end of the 18th century, since before there was no space with this specific function. The five shutters lead to a balcony-terrace facing the garden, whose box also dates from the same per...
At the end of the 19th century, there was the remodeling of the New Rooms, for rooms of the princes heirs D. Carlos and D. Amélia, by the French decorator Negrier. After an ante-camera you arrive at the Queen's Room. The furniture is complete and ...
The sequence of the Royal rooms is part of the King's Office, where we can enjoy contemporary painting by D.Carlos, namely the notable Bailarina, by José Brito, the Landscapes by Aurélia de Sousa photographs and various objects of the daily life o...
In the King's Room, some of the uniforms he wore frequently are displayed, as supreme chief of the Army and Navy. On the head of the bed is a Portrait of D. Carlos, painted in Paris in 1905 by Philip de Lazlo. A notable example of Portuguese furni...