每当潮水退下,湿漉漉的十里沙滩上,潮纹隐现,珠玑遍地,各种各样的海滩动物纷纷“崭露头角”,大大小小的螃蟹横行无忌。常常能看到头戴金色葵叶帽,身穿彩衣的京族妇女的身影。她们集中精力,弯腰注视,一看便知道 海沙底下隐藏着沙虫,紧接着,便飞快地将铁楸一插一翻,沙虫便手到擒来,整个过程一气呵成,动作十分利索,还没让人看清楚,沙虫已被她抓进娄里了!
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, called "Gui. " Nanning is the capital of the ten ASEAN countries and China, meeting place of unity and cooperation, known as Green City reputation. Situated in the southern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, located at longitude 104 ° 26'-112 ° 04 ', latitude 20 ° 54'-26 ° 24 ', between the Tropic of Cancer running through the central region. The southwest region's most convenient access to the sea, but also resource-based economy in western China and the Southeast Division with an open economy in the economic exchanges between China and Southeast Asia, occupies an important position. All autonomous regions inhabited by the Zhuang, Han, Yao, Miao, Dong, Mu Lao, Mao Nan, Hui, Jing, Yi, Shui, Gelao and other nationalities.