Stephen Fischer

Unknown Location
Affichages :: 33
About Stephen

Name: Stephen Fischer

Age: 24

Hometown: Syosset, NY


Hey there! My name is Stephen, and I am a travel junkie with a taste for adventure, nature, and all things food related. During my college years, I often did volunteer work and travel which inspired me to do a service year with AmeriCorps NCCC FEMA Corps following college. FEMA Corps led me to visit 19 different states and live in 5 of them with time frames ranging from 2 weeks to 3 months. Following my service term, I set out on another adventure through a program called Bike & Build, which operates service-oriented cross-country cycling trips for young adults. Basically, we rode 4,100 miles across the northern USA and performed build projects for groups like Habitat for Humanity. It was undoubtedly the best summer of my life. In fact, I had so much fun that I decided to go solo on a bike tour!


I am currently bike touring down the West Coast from Sept. '18 - Nov. '18. As part of this journey, I purchased a 360 camera and have begun experimenting with it as well as the features on my phone and DSLR. Be on the lookout for some content uploads from my excursions across the beautiful country that is America!