The Chapel of Cross in Eibelstadt, a Catholic hall building with a retracted choir and transept, as well as a choir tower with a bell roof, is located away from the town center and is now surrounded by new buildings. The foundation stone was laid on August 13, 1657. In 1661 the chapel was consecrated. We are here in front of the main portal. The former pilgrimage church is now often used as a wedding chapel by both denominations.
Wikipedia: La Franconie (en allemand Franken) est une région géographique et historique du centre-sud de l'Allemagne. Depuis 1815, elle est annexée à la Bavière, dont elle représente aujourd'hui environ les 2/5 nord du territoire. Elle rassemble aujourd'hui 3 des 7 circonscriptions administratives (Regierungsbezirke) bavaroises : Moyenne-Franconie (Mittelfranken), Basse-Franconie (Unterfranken) et Haute-Franconie (Oberfranken).